There ain't no news in being good.
- Finley Peter Dunne

In embryo...

This blog started out as an assignment from my Comms:239 professor, Dr. Cressman (what up Cress?!). We were supposed to use it to talk about journalism in the news...changes, scandals, technologies, etc. Now, I'm not sure what it is. I guess it is whatever I want it to be at any given time of the day. It's still developing, still finding it's niche, still in embryo....

News from

Friday, May 15, 2009

Today I was at the local library for a brief moment. I decided to look up their journalism/new media books. (Now imagine that stupid buzzing noise that comes on when people get stuff wrong).

Nothing! Well there was stuff, but most of it was from the 90's and seemingly irrelevant.

I took two thoughts (and no books) away from the library today.

The first being that maybe the selection of journalism materials in our community library is a reflection of the state of journalism in my home town.

Second, why the hail would I look for to learn about new media in old media forms? Hello! I, we, should be going to the source! The best way to learn is usually first hand, thus the reasoning behind internships.

Anyway, just a friendly reminder to me, and all aspiring new journalists.

NEW not OLD.

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