There ain't no news in being good.
- Finley Peter Dunne

In embryo...

This blog started out as an assignment from my Comms:239 professor, Dr. Cressman (what up Cress?!). We were supposed to use it to talk about journalism in the news...changes, scandals, technologies, etc. Now, I'm not sure what it is. I guess it is whatever I want it to be at any given time of the day. It's still developing, still finding it's niche, still in embryo....

News from

Saturday, October 4, 2008

"The public doesn't give a damn about integrity."

My title is a quote from the western "High noon." Don't tell my bishop I typed a swear word....

I am following my hometown newspaper, The Observer. Which is "Union and Wallowa Counties' News Leader." I think those two counties have all of a population of 30,000 max. Anyway, today I was skimming through the op-ed section of the website and found a "letter to the editor" by the editor, Ted Kramer.

In it, he explicitly said that letters to the editor that attacked one candidate and without endorsing the other, would not be published. Or letters where facts were not documented, would also not be published.

Kramer mentioned the idea that web sites and e-mails were not "held to the same standards that apply in newspapers." He also went on to state that his paper would not be used as a "web-style free-for-all where anything goes."

I wasn't sure how to take this letter from the editor. Defending the integrity of the institution of the newspaper? Impeaching upon the first amendment? Discounting civic journalism? What is the role of the editor? What are our roles as readers? Thoughts? Comments? Concerns?


Courtney said...
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Courtney said...

I say good for Ted Kramer for having the courage to distinguish the difference between free speech a free-for-all. The editorial page shouldn't be a section for taking fits and throwing around rumors. There's a difference between arguing and complaining. Bashing one candidate without endorsing another does no good for anyone but the person who is venting