There ain't no news in being good.
- Finley Peter Dunne

In embryo...

This blog started out as an assignment from my Comms:239 professor, Dr. Cressman (what up Cress?!). We were supposed to use it to talk about journalism in the news...changes, scandals, technologies, etc. Now, I'm not sure what it is. I guess it is whatever I want it to be at any given time of the day. It's still developing, still finding it's niche, still in embryo....

News from

Monday, February 23, 2009

Demise of Domino = Demise of Mags?

I read about the death of Domino Magazine and sighed a sad sigh. I had enjoyed picking up the magazine once and a while, envisioning my future home. Even though circulation was up, advertising was down, and thus the death of Domino. Money really does make the world go round.

While I was home over President's Day weekend, I was in Wal-Mart with my mother. She was expressing her frustration that two of her favorite magazines seemed slow in coming out this month. I told her about Domino's demise and jokingly suggested mayber her magazines were going out of business, too.

While sitting at my desk back in Provo, my mother called me to vent her sad dismay (she's often the barer of sad/bad/disheartening/dismaying news) that indeed the two favorite magazines discussed earlier (Mary Engelbreit's Home Companion and Country Home) were both stopping publication.

Shelter magazines aren't the only mags taking hits. For instance, LIFE magazine stopped publishing hard copies more than a year ago. It is interesting to ponder the effects of the economy on the print world, and wonder what this implies for the future of the magazine.

As for now, I'll miss poring over the glossy pages of Domino whilst envisioning my oh-so-chic future home....

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