There ain't no news in being good.
- Finley Peter Dunne

In embryo...

This blog started out as an assignment from my Comms:239 professor, Dr. Cressman (what up Cress?!). We were supposed to use it to talk about journalism in the news...changes, scandals, technologies, etc. Now, I'm not sure what it is. I guess it is whatever I want it to be at any given time of the day. It's still developing, still finding it's niche, still in embryo....

News from

Friday, February 27, 2009

Our substitute: Miss Technolgy

BYU's newspaper, The Daily Universe, has a blogazine(an "online magazine and blog hybrid" see Google's definition) called Beyond The Universe . I hope to one day help produce it, so you should go check it out. Anyway, I was just reading a Q&A with creator Ben Peterson. He said something I already knew, but thought I would put it out there to remind us all....

"Q: How do you think our society is changing the way that we interact with each other?

A:I think technology is becoming a substitute for some key social interaction, and that people need to be cautious and have balance."

Is the world becoming too "twitterpated," is there a new disease that my sister Zoey seems to have called"textaholism," and should I be writing in my actual journal as often as I "blog?"

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